Believe it or not yoga is more than just a physical practice. It is instead a path towards enlightenment.  Yes, the pictures of handstands on instagram and the class we walk past in our gym are still yoga but they are just 1/8th of that path, 1/8th of all that yoga is. Patanjali, an ancient Indian sage also known as the father of modern yoga introduces the idea of the 8 limbed path, or Ashtanga. I like to think of these 8 limbs as a timeless guide to living our best lives and becoming the highest version of ourselves. It has taught me how to live in a state of conscious awareness of myself and my actions, others, and the entire universe. The best part is that I am always coming back to these lessons and learning more and more how to live in the bliss that this path can offer. 

The 8 limbed path:

  1. Yamas- Restraints

  2. Niyamas- Observances

  3. Asanas- Poses

  4. Pranayama- Breath

  5. Dharana- Focus

  6. Dhyana- Meditation

  7. Samadhi- Enlightenment

This is the 8 limbed path in short but each limb is so much more than the english word I gave to describe it!

Now I do really love the physical practice of yoga but I love every other peace of the path just as much because I believe in its truth, I actually feel its truth. Yoga in total offers healing to both our physical and subtle(emotional, mental, energetic) bodies. Who knew we had so many bodies?? I am aware that many people are skeptical of the things they cannot see so let’s break it down. WE ARE ALL ENERGY. That is all we are. In fact everything that you can see in this world is made up of energy. You may be more familiar with the knowledge that our physical bodies are composed completely of atoms. Well what do you think atoms are composed of? Yes my friend, energy. And all things on this earth are just a physical manifestation of energy. So my point here is that why should we not believe that any person can see Auras(an electromagnetic field of energy that surrounds all things) or heal people through Reiki (a natural healing practice using Universal Life Force Energy. If you are on that same page with me I urge you to read on to begin to ascend your 8 limbed path. 

Things Yoga has done for me thus far:

  1. Made me aware of my ego and egoic tendencies

    1. This is soooo important for my mental health and for realizing my oneness with others, instead of always pointing out my differences. Stay tuned for a post just on the ego!!

  2. Brought healing to my physical body

  3. Increased my fitness and flexibility

  4. Improved my relationship with others

  5. Improved my relationship with myself

    1. I used to want to scratch my eyes out because of that person in my head that is constantly thinking, making up stories, living in the past, worrying about the future.. Blah blah blah and now I can be aware of this little person without wanting to rip my hair out by getting confused in thinking that it is me, that it is my voice.

  6. Has allowed me to connect with new people

  7. Improved my digestion

  8. Improved my daily routine and energy usage

  9. Improved my diet

    1. These last three are Ayurveda baby! Ayurveda is the science of life (more to come on this too).

  10. So many more things that you can find about out if you send me a message because I really mean it when I say I love connecting with new people!!!

If you are looking to dive into the third limb of yoga, asanas, the physical practice that we are all so familiar with, and you don’t want to spend $18 per class… on the home page of my blog go to “Lifestyle” > “Yoga” and enjoy COMPLETELY FREE 60 minute yoga classes. Sign up for my email messages to stay updated on weekly posts and yoga videos. I will forever be on the beautiful journey that is yoga, I hope you will join me!

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